Der junge Künstler Luxley alias Ryan Gray mischt nicht nur gerne Alt-Pop mit funky Vibes, sondern auch liebend gern Cocktaile. Aus diesem Grund hat der in New Orleans lebende Musiker uns exklusive Einblicke in seine Welt der Spirituosen gegeben. Da wir aber an erster Stelle ein Musikblog sind, hat Luxley sich gedacht, dass er gleich auch noch eine dazu passende Playlist liefert. Mit Acts wie Foals oder Friendly Fires zeigt er uns nicht nur große Einflussquellen seiner Musik, sondern gibt auch ausreichend Stoff für perfekte Sommertage. Da darf seine Single „Spirit“, die erst kürzlich bei unseren Kollegen des Impose Magazine Premiere feierte, selbstverständlich nicht fehlen.
Cocktail: Solo Blitz
Silver Tree American Small Batch Vodka, Lemon, Clear Creek Blackberry Liqueur
Similar to the Bramble from one of my favorite cocktail bars in New Orleans, Cure, this cocktail is great for the fun summery nights with its small batch vodka, kick of tartness, citrusy lemon notes, and subtle blackberry fruitiness.
So named cause this drink will take you out for a night with a surprise attack, even if you decide to roll solo like I do.
Friendly Fires – Pull Me Back To Earth
The ending is my favorite part: grande, jazzy, and surreal.
Powers – Beat Of My Drum
Just a feel good dance track about doing it your own way. Perfect for a summer when you want to do it your way.
Kiiara – Gold
This is both a party jam and a late night/I’m going to get away from this party jam. Something about this song feels both like you want to dance and you want to get into trouble.
Handsome Ghost – Eyes Wide
A good late summer drive/nostalgia song to listen to with the windows down after the sun is down.
Coldplay – Adventure of a Lifetime
I really gravitate towards the guitar-like sample that opens the song. Coldplay’s still got it.
Luxley – Spirit
I may be a little biased, but I feel like this is the right song for lying out in a field on a late summer afternoon while the sun is setting behind the trees (or the stage, like at Glastonbury–one day).
[soundcloud url=“″ params=“auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true“ width=“100%“ height=“450″ iframe=“true“ /]Foals – Mountain At My Gates
This song gives me nostalgia for the past. Also, I have a sweet spot for soulful rock vocals.
Mike Posner – I Took A Pill In Ibiza
Simple: Catchy vocals, cool lyrics, and a marriage between house and pop. Definitely a summer jam.
The Chainsmokers – Roses
The playful, poppy vocal samples are my favorite parts, and are definitely a stylistic charm about The Chainsmokers. Very happy for their recent success – they’re crushing it.
Rufus Du Sol – Sundream
Adjectives to describe why this song is on the playlist: dreamy, ambient, sexy, house, dancey, chill.
Disclosure – You & Me (Flume Remix) and Defeated No More
The remix of Disclosure’s „You & Me“ by Flume is enticing. Overall, one of my favorite remixes I’ve heard. Disclosure’s „Defeated No More“ has featured vocals by Ed Macfarlane of Friendly Fires, one of my favorite bands.
Surf Rock is Dead – Never Be The Same
Perfect for late night drives (don’t drink and drive), or sitting on the Williamsburg waterfront, or a rooftop in Bushwick.
Die komplette Playlist gibt es auch exklusiv für euch auf Spotify.