We put all our songs through the „hip test“
Hi guys! I hope you’re fine? As you’re quite an international bunch of musicians, how about introducing yourselves and your band?
This is All We Are form Liverpool speaking and we are Rich – the drum machine, Guro – bassinyaface and Luis, the magic guitar.
Could you tell us how Liverpool as a city, but also as a place to study has influenced you as musicians? Are you still feeling the Beatles vibe, which this extraordinary city brings along?
Some cities just have music in their veins and Liverpool is certainly like that. There’s a real community feeling and people like to get together and play and listen to tunes. It has always been like this, that’s how the Beatles developed their style and it’s hard not to be influenced by this vibe!
How’s the music scene like?
The scene here is really good. Because Liverpool is so small we all know each other and help each other out and push each other to be the best we can be.
Are there any more bands to keep an eye on coming from Merseyside?
Yeah loads, right now everyone should check out Låpsley, Circa Waves, Stealing Sheep, VEYU and Spring King.
When Noisey premiered your newest single „Keep Me Alive“ they called it ‚an exquisite slice of comforting upbeat pop‘. What can you say about that? Would you like to introduce the song and the making of it to us?
We find most of our songs comforting and upbeat, with a dark edge. „Keep Me Alive“ is a surreal and psychedelic song but ultimately it’s about intimacy, we wrote it during a trip when we saw no other humans for two weeks, so maybe that explains it.
How does a typical songwriting session work for All We Are? Do you write together?
We love playing and most of all we love jamming together. All our tunes starts with us having a jam and when we hit on a idea that feels good we follow that one through and that is the new tune. When we jam we usually just sing random stuff over it but when it comes to actually writing lyrics they are pretty much there just from jamming.
Your cover of Caribou‘s „Can’t Do Without You“ is a masterpiece! How important are cover versions for you? And why did you choose a song by Caribou?
Wow, thanks! Great to hear you guys like it. „Can’t do without you“ was the standout track for us in 2014 and we saw Caribou live at Greenman Festival and it just blew us away. We just love that tune and wanted to give it an AWA spin.
How would you describe your sound to a deaf person?
It’s like being in a wave. You get tossed and turned, it’s wobbly and you’re drifting. You’re not exactly sure what’s going on or what is going to happen. But you like it.
You’ve already released a handful really nice tracks. So any news on the debut album?
Our debut will be out on 2nd of February. We can’t wait.

Your sound is very groovy and sometimes quite tropical. Could you quickly tell us where these influences come from?
Maybe that’s because we put all our songs through the „Hip test“. If one of us starts shaking their hips while writing a song, we know we are on the right path.
Is there any band which brought you to music? If yes, why?
We’ll all have different ones, but Spinal Tap is a mutual inspiration, taught us all we know about being in bands.
You’ve recently played in Berlin, right? How was it like? Are there any differences between German and British crowds? How would you explain your live perfomance to a person that is unfamiliar with your music and your style?
We’ve been coming to Germany since our very first weeks as a band, and we love it there, always get such a great welcome. We always appreciate the way a German audience is completely immersed and concentrated in your performance, there’s no chatting!
What was your favourite release in 2014?
One of our favourite releases was Caribou’s latest record, it’s great to see the reception it got, it’s top music.
And a very last one! There is no possibility to skip that one. What would you call a perfect friday night?
Start with a beer and stimulating conversation at a friend’s house, then some cocktails at a great gig, take shirts off and dance, get kicked out, and going back to beers and a jam at an after party!
Thanks for taking your time! It was a great pleasure. I wish you all the best for the future and can’t wait to hear more from you!
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