Interview mit Sinkane

Every time I sing the lyrics, I feel a lot of emotion.

Das Prêt à écouter Festival im Heidelberger Karlstorbahnhof nähert sich seinem wohlverdienten Ende. Orchestraler Pop, orchestriertes Rock-Chaos, hitziger Funk, wortgewaltiger Hip-Hop und einnehmende Klaviermusik – die Auswahl war so divers, dass jeder auf seine Kosten kommen konnte. Das hat man auch an den vielen positiven Kommentaren und den interessanten Gesprächen gemerkt, die wir mit den Besuchern der Konzerte geführt haben. An dieser Stelle deshalb ein großes Dankeschön an euch und an die Organisatoren vom Karlstorbahnhof!

(Letzterer hat übrigens aufgrund von EU-Gesetzen seit 2011 ein Platzproblem. Das bedeutet, dass entweder Umbau oder Umzug anstehen. In jedem Fall braucht die Petition „Offen bleiben – Die Initiative für den neuen Karlstorbahnhof“ noch Unterstützer. Wenn ihr also weiterhin coole, interessante Konzerte in dieser einzigartigen Location sehen wollt, vergesst nicht, hier zu unterschreiben! Die Petition läuft noch bis Ende März.)

Auf Worte sollen Taten folgen, also haben wir eine kleine Überraschung für euch parat: Ahmed Gallab, der als Sinkane am vergangenen Sonntag die Zuschauer begeistert hat – das Highlight des Festivals –, hat sich die Zeit genommen, uns ein paar Fragen zu beantworten! Viel Spaß mit dem Interview und dem Konzert von Metronomy am 15.12. und bis zum nächsten Prêt à écouter Festival!

Hey Ahmed, hope you’re fine? Let’s start talking about your latest release! Do you agree with me if I say that Mean Love is a bit softer than your previous works?

I don’t know if I’d call it soft. I’d like think of it as a but tougher than my previous work. But maybe because I’m more attached with the lyrical content on my albums than I have been in the past. The music feels more energetic to me as well.

How would you explain your latest work to a complete stranger?

It’s feel good music. Lots of grooves and lyrics that anyone can relate to. Bits of reggae, funk, East African and Country Western grooves.

Is it true that you were already working on the new record before Mars was even released?

Yes! I started working on Mean Love almost immediately after I finished recording Mars. I was really inspired to work on something new and I did!

You’re touring at the moment through Europe. How’s it going so far? Any particular moments?

Touring in Europe is always a fun time for us. People seem to really enjoy my music here. Sometimes I don’t ever want to go home! Germany is always a great time for us. Our label City Slang is based here and the people are just so friendly. I also love the food here as well.

Your music is obviously based on your lyrics, which makes every song a small piece of art. Is it quite of a challenge to show this message on your concerts?

No not really. The lyrics are very therapeutic and cathartic for me so, every time I sing them, I feel a lot of emotion. It’s pretty exciting.

Sinkane beim Videodreh zu "How We Be" // © Erez Avissar
Sinkane beim Videodreh zu „How We Be“ // © Erez Avissar

What can people expect at your gigs?

The live show is much more energetic than the album. At times it can be very loud. Other times it’s a slow tantric groove. It’s really great to tour with my friends.

Well, let’s talk about something different! „Hold Tight“ is such a nice song. What’s it about?

It’s about the idea of death and accepting the fact that one day your time will come. I thought it would be funny to address a subject like that in the context of a very sexy sounding song. „Flirting with death“ I guess.

Radiohead and african music are a big inspiration for you, right? So what other bands or specific genres have a big impact on your music and your life as a musician?

I really like a lot of Jazz and Soul music. Big fan of Pharoah Sanders and Funkadelic.

I’ve heard that you’ve done some DJ gigs lately. Is there more to come?

Yes sure! DJing is so much fun. I plan to tour as a DJ sometime next year.

Do you have any plany for the time after your tour?

I want to start working on a new album soon. I’ve started to become excited about a few new ideas so, hopefully, if I’m not too exhausted, I will start writing new music again soon.

Thank you so much for taking your time! It’s been an honour!

Thank you!


„Hold Tight“ live:

Fichon & Yannick

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